And you 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 還有你 | ⏯ |
I work near Lecong 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我在樂康附近工作 | ⏯ |
Im horny and you 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我是角質和你 | ⏯ |
Just you and me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 只有你和我 | ⏯ |
your place near on me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你靠近我的地方 | ⏯ |
And how old are you 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你多大了 | ⏯ |
And how are you here 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你怎麼會在這裡 | ⏯ |
There are 2 subway stops near here 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 附近有2個地鐵站 | ⏯ |
Yes. You are very young and pretty 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 是的。你很年輕,很漂亮 | ⏯ |
You should go somewhere else and look 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你應該去別的地方看看 | ⏯ |
What do you enjoy doing and why 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你喜歡做什麼,為什麼 | ⏯ |
Ryu went to you and then watched 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 Ryu走到你,然後看著 | ⏯ |
I dont even have near that my account 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我甚至沒有我的帳戶附近 | ⏯ |
And what games do you have besides diamonds 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 除了鑽石,你還有什麼遊戲 | ⏯ |
Christmas Eve, I wish you peace and happiness 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 平安夜,祝你平安幸福 | ⏯ |
You go to work early tomorrow and then you leave work early 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你明天很早就去上班,然後早點下班 | ⏯ |
They are too top with stone near from here 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 他們太高了,離這兒很近,有石頭 | ⏯ |
You can wait for you to come back and give it to me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你可以等你回來,把它給我 | ⏯ |
Can you add vegetables and mushrooms in this place 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你能在這個地方加蔬菜和蘑菇嗎 | ⏯ |
And you come to Thailand, are there any girls 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你來泰國,有女孩嗎 | ⏯ |
your place near on me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你靠近我的地方 | ⏯ |
neighborhood 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 附近 | ⏯ |
Recent 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 最近 | ⏯ |
很近了,你怎么知道 🇨🇳 | 🇨🇳 很近了,你怎麼知道 | ⏯ |
駅の近く 🇯🇵 | 🇨🇳 車站附近 | ⏯ |
杨永恒吃我鸡嘎靠嫩姨 🇨🇳 | 🇨🇳 楊永恆吃我雞嘎靠嫩姨 | ⏯ |
Is there any restaurants nearby 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 附近有餐館嗎 | ⏯ |
I work near Lecong 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我在樂康附近工作 | ⏯ |
There are 2 subway stops near here 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 附近有2個地鐵站 | ⏯ |
私が携われるお時間も着々と迫ってきましたのでよろしくお願いします 🇯🇵 | 🇨🇳 謝謝你,因為我參與的時間已經穩步接近 | ⏯ |
I dont even have near that my account 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我甚至沒有我的帳戶附近 | ⏯ |
请问一下附近有没有酒店 🇨🇳 | 🇨🇳 請問一下附近有沒有酒店 | ⏯ |
これから東京オリンピックもあるので近場でも来たら、是非声をかけてください! 🇯🇵 | 🇨🇳 因為有東京奧運會,所以如果你最近來,請跟我說話! | ⏯ |
Hi, you checked my recon profile. It seems we live very close. I’m in Tianhe 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 嗨,你查過我的複查資料看來我們住得很近。我在天河 | ⏯ |
ハローハローハロー 🇯🇵 | 🇨🇳 你好你好你好你好 | ⏯ |
They are too top with stone near from here 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 他們太高了,離這兒很近,有石頭 | ⏯ |
Привет, привет 🇷🇺 | 🇨🇳 你好,你好 | ⏯ |
Приветик, приветик 🇷🇺 | 🇨🇳 你好,你好 | ⏯ |
Hello, hello 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你好,你好 | ⏯ |
えっと最近は薬を使って5時間ぐらい寝てます 🇯🇵 | 🇨🇳 嗯,我最近用藥睡了大約五個小時 | ⏯ |