Day 28 I go to Pattaya 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 第28天 我去芭堤雅 | ⏯ |
I will go to you 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我會去找你 | ⏯ |
You said , I can’t go to your home , it annoyed me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你說,我不能去你家,這讓我很惱火 | ⏯ |
I go to roll on 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我去繼續 | ⏯ |
I go to las Vegas 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我去拉斯維加斯 | ⏯ |
I want to go home 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我想回家 | ⏯ |
Im ready to go when you are, I just dont want to get you to tired 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 當你的時候,我已經準備好走了,我只是不想讓你感到疲倦 | ⏯ |
Pick up you to go outdoors 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 接你去戶外 | ⏯ |
You dont have to shy me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你不必害羞我 | ⏯ |
Its important to me that I know, that you are ok? 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我知道,你沒事,這對我來說很重要嗎?! | ⏯ |
You dont have to go to work for Christmas 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 耶誕節你不用去上班 | ⏯ |
I almost there, how to get my key 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我快到了,如何拿鑰匙 | ⏯ |
I am going to Los Angeles to see me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我要去洛杉磯看我 | ⏯ |
Day 24, I will go down to Pattaya 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 第24天,我會去芭堤雅 | ⏯ |
Im far from you. Come to me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我離你很遠到我來 | ⏯ |
If you meet me, you are sure not to have sex with me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 如果你遇到我,你肯定不會和我做愛 | ⏯ |
And you come to Thailand, are there any girls 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你來泰國,有女孩嗎 | ⏯ |
You can wait for you to come back and give it to me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你可以等你回來,把它給我 | ⏯ |
i can’t wait to been you 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我迫不及待地想成為你 | ⏯ |
I like you but I have to look with you first 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我喜歡你,但我必須先和你一起看 | ⏯ |
Day 28 I go to Pattaya 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 第28天 我去芭堤雅 | ⏯ |
เคยมีแต่ตอนนี้เลิกแล้ว 🇹🇭 | 🇨🇳 我去過那裡 | ⏯ |
But I go u 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 但我去你 | ⏯ |
I will go to you 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我會去找你 | ⏯ |
Дайте мне время подумать я к вам ещё вернусь 🇷🇺 | 🇨🇳 給我時間思考,我會回到你我身邊 | ⏯ |
Do you so Im going to enter 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你要我進去嗎 | ⏯ |
Bạn đã tính sai tiền của tui bạn coi giúp lại dùm tui nhé 🇻🇳 | 🇨🇳 你算錯了錢,你考慮再幫我 | ⏯ |
Im leaving it up to you then 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 那我就留給你吧 | ⏯ |
ถ้าฉันมีเงินฉันจะไปที่คุณอยู่ 🇹🇭 | 🇨🇳 如果我有錢,我就去找你 | ⏯ |
I think you ‘re the one 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我覺得你就是那個 | ⏯ |
เพราะว่าฉันไม่เคยไปอยู่ที่เริ่มจะไม่ค่อยไปเที่ยวที่นั่นฉันเคยไปที่โปรตีนบางพระ 🇹🇭 | 🇨🇳 因為我從來不去開始,我很少去那裡旅行,我去過一些蛋白質 | ⏯ |
顶唔上你啦! 🇭🇰 | 🇨🇳 頂不上你了 | ⏯ |
你那天说你那卡没用,你能把它给我吗 🇨🇳 | 🇨🇳 你那天說你那卡沒用,你能把它給我嗎 | ⏯ |
I go to roll on 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我去繼續 | ⏯ |
I am going to, possible 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 我會去的 | ⏯ |
我勒个去 🇨🇳 | 🇨🇳 我勒個去 | ⏯ |
入りません 🇯🇵 | 🇨🇳 我進去了 | ⏯ |
我就去买 🇨🇳 | 🇨🇳 我就去買 | ⏯ |
You said , I can’t go to your home , it annoyed me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你說,我不能去你家,這讓我很惱火 | ⏯ |
ฉันอยากไปอยู่แต่ฉันกลัว 🇹🇭 | 🇨🇳 我想去,但我害怕 | ⏯ |