ECHO 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 回波 | ⏯ |
You can wait for you to come back and give it to me 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你可以等你回來,把它給我 | ⏯ |
Shes ready to give her presentation at the meeting 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 她準備在會上做報告 | ⏯ |
Going to introduce her boyfriend to her parents 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 打算把她男朋友介紹給她父母 | ⏯ |
Dont want her to start her own business 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 不想讓她自己創業 | ⏯ |
Saw the hotel, he said, please contact to the our website when you have a booking with them 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 他說,看到酒店後,請與他們預訂時聯繫我們的網站 | ⏯ |
Here to shop, please succes 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 來購物,請成功 | ⏯ |
And nothing smaller for toddlers 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 對於幼兒來說,沒有什麼小的 | ⏯ |
Please Don’t to late than tomorrow 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 請不要比明天遲到 | ⏯ |
30 percent 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 30% | ⏯ |
VPN for Instagram and my batter is too low to fix the picture 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 VPN為Instagram和我的擊球手太低,以修復圖片 | ⏯ |
After late getting married, creating a place to quite her job, plans questions plans to quit her job 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 晚婚後,她創造了一個工作的地方,計畫放棄她的工作 | ⏯ |
Playing basketball is good for our health and is good way to make friends 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 打籃球對我們的健康有好處,也是交朋友的好方法 | ⏯ |
Can you please take me to this hotel 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你能帶我去這家酒店嗎 | ⏯ |
Please 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 拜託 | ⏯ |
Just too much for me to 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 對我來說太過分了 | ⏯ |
One for wife. Want to buy 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 一個是給妻子的 想買 | ⏯ |
You dont have to go to work for Christmas 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 耶誕節你不用去上班 | ⏯ |
Hello her 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 你好,她 | ⏯ |
Tom please take thses new book to the classroom 🇬🇧 | 🇨🇳 湯姆請把新書帶到教室去 | ⏯ |