English to Chinese

How to say Were ready, order in Chinese?


More translations for Were ready, order

Ready, rady rady  🇬🇧🇨🇳  準備好了嗎
Are you ready  🇬🇧🇨🇳  準備好了嗎
Were back late  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我們回來晚了
Ok I’ll cancer the order  🇬🇧🇨🇳  好的,我會癌症的訂單
I have cancel my order  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我已取消訂單
You know, youre ready for a meeting  🇬🇧🇨🇳  你知道,你已經準備好開會了
Were here I want to meet  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我們在這裡,我想見見
We were shoot, on the feet  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我們被射中了,在腳上
Shes ready to give her presentation at the meeting  🇬🇧🇨🇳  她準備在會上做報告
Please wait a moment I’ll cancel the order  🇬🇧🇨🇳  請稍等,我將取消訂單
I will transfer the order of this bill  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我將轉移這張帳單的訂單
God bless you were ever you are  🇬🇧🇨🇳  上帝保佑你曾經是
I dont like having a penis. Im not ready yet  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我不喜歡有陰莖。我還沒準備好
Thailand must first marry in order to have sex  🇬🇧🇨🇳  泰國必須首先結婚才能發生性關係
Just tell me when you are ready to pick me 30min before  🇬🇧🇨🇳  告訴你準備好在30分鐘之前選我
Gonna take that picture from my wife, then were gone  🇬🇧🇨🇳  去從我妻子家拍下那張照片,然後我們就走了
I was really surprised by how many people were there  🇬🇧🇨🇳  有多少人在那裡,我真的很驚訝
You just let me know when you are ready. I know your tired  🇬🇧🇨🇳  你只要準備好就讓我知道 我知道你累了
I cant thank you enough, for today, you were very, very nice  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我感激不盡,因為今天,你非常非常友好
How would i know thati order because i thought there is still in stock  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我怎麼會知道,我訂單,因為我認為仍然有庫存

More translations for 我们准备好了,点菜

准备,下班买菜了吧!  🇨🇳🇨🇳  準備,下班買菜了吧!
要准备考试了  🇨🇳🇨🇳  要準備考試了
明天准备考试  🇨🇳🇨🇳  明天準備考試
我准备在上海坐动车到北京  🇭🇰🇨🇳  我準備在上海坐動車到北京
มันอร่อยดีฉันเลยไปซื้อมันมากิน  🇹🇭🇨🇳  很好吃,我買了
โอเคจ้าทำงานเถอะ  🇹🇭🇨🇳  好了,成功了
料理長、料理は頼みました  🇯🇵🇨🇳  廚師,你請了一道菜
sellerie  🇩🇪🇨🇳  芹菜
Vegetable  🇬🇧🇨🇳  蔬菜
Its making my stomach move good  🇬🇧🇨🇳  它讓我的胃動了好
โอเคจ้าคุณทำงานไปเถอะคุณเลิกงานแล้วก็กินเสร็จมาหาฉันนะ  🇹🇭🇨🇳  好吧,你工作,你辭職了,你為我準備好了
Ready, rady rady  🇬🇧🇨🇳  準備好了嗎
Are you ready  🇬🇧🇨🇳  準備好了嗎
定你唔成啦!  🇭🇰🇨🇳  好了你不成
ฉันสบายดี  🇹🇭🇨🇳  我很好
I have good kids so I spoil them  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我有好孩子,所以我寵壞了他們
Am hungry  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我餓了
I am hungry  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我餓了
Im getting hungry  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我餓了
I arrived  🇬🇧🇨🇳  我到了